The Commission on Cancer (CoC) is a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for cancer patients through standard-setting, prevention, research, education, and the monitoring of comprehensive quality of care.
Established by the American College of Surgeons in 1922, the multidisciplinary CoC:
Commission membership consists of more than 100 individuals representing the multidisciplinary professionals that comprise the cancer care team. Members include representatives from the American College of Surgeons and nearly 60 national, professional organizations involved in cancer care. Each representative serves on one of the committees, which work to reach the Commission's goals by:
An annual “call for nominations” is held among a select group of individuals including the membership of the CoC, the College leaders and members, and other surgical organizations. Criteria for these nominees include the following:
Individuals representing the CoC’s member organizations are selected by their organization. The organization is requested to complete an application and submit the curriculum vitae of an individual in a senior or leadership role within the organization. Criteria for nominees include the following: