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The facts about firearm violence

Firearm-related deaths

  1. There were 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the U.S. in 2020.
  2. An average of 124 people died each day from a firearm-related injury that year.
  3. More than half of the firearm-related deaths were suicides.
  4. More than 4 out of every 10 of these deaths were firearm homicides.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/firearms/fastfact.html

Murders involving firearms

  • In 2020, there were 13,620 gun murders and non-negligent manslaughters.
  • Handguns were involved in 59% of these deaths.
  • Rifles, including "assault rifles," were involved in 3% of firearm murders.

Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/

Active shooter incidents

In 2020, there were 40 active shooter incidents. The FBI defines an active shooter incident as, “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.”

Active shooter incidents by year

Casualty count from active shooter incidents by year

2016: 20

2016: 214

2017: 31

2017: 734

2018: 30

2018: 225

2019: 30

2019: 258

2020: 40

2020: 164

Source: https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2020-070121.pdf/view

The leading cause of death among children and adolescents

  • In 2020, firearm injuries became the leading cause of death among children and adolescents (persons 1 to 19 years of age).
  • In 2020, firearm-related injuries surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of death for this age group.
  • The relative increase, from 2019 to 2020, in the rate of firearm-related deaths in this age group was 29.5% (more than twice as high as the relative increase in the general population).

Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761

Health care costs of gun injuries

  • Hospital costs for initial gun injury care are just over $1 billion per year (according to hospital data from 2016 and 2017).
  • There are about 30,000 hospital stays and about 50,000 emergency room visits each year related to gun injuries.

Source: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-515

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Compiled 6/1/22