With 100 extant ACS-AEIs to date, there have been multiple publications recently released by members of the Consortium. These articles have ranged from single institutional studies to management interventions to collaborative works and have appeared in a plethora of journals, as well as in electronic format. The ACS-AEI Dissemination Committee is creating an inclusive library of all the works produced since January 1, 2021, by our member institutes so that members can see what their colleagues are working on. This will be an on-demand, searchable library of all the Consortium’s publications to utilize for discussions, reference and collaborative studies.
Although several AEIs have submitted their publications, it is by no means representative of the entire body of our Consortium’s publications. To ensure we have a complete library of the published works, the Dissemination Committee is asking you to send any of the publications that have appeared in print or electronically since January 1, 2021.
Contact ACS-AEI Dissemination Committee Co-Chairs Mark Aeder, MD, at Mark.Aeder@UHhospitals.org, or Kathy Johnson, EdM, at kjohnson@facs.org for more information about this tool.