October 22, 2023
The comprehensive, dynamic 2-day Surgery Resident Program has been meticulously crafted to address the distinct requirements of surgical residents as they stand on the precipice of their surgical careers.
The program, taking place today (10:00 am–5:00 pm) and tomorrow (10:00 am–2:00 pm) in Room 160ABC, offers a specialized experience, where residents will gain exposure to medical knowledge and valuable advice, while building a robust professional network. The Surgery Resident Program for Clinical Congress 2023 is at capacity, with more than 250 residents expected to participate.
“We are so excited to be offering the Surgery Resident Program again this year,” said Program Chair Leigh A. Neumayer, MD, MS, FACS. “Back by popular demand, we will have sessions on negotiating your contract, managing your finances, and new this year, managing across generational differences. We hope to equip senior residents with some tools that aren’t always covered in residency.”
Lectures, interactive events, panel discussions, and a skills competition will fill the schedule, along with presentations on timely, relevant topics such as communication strategies, contract negotiation, effective allyship in the workplace, and personal finances. Program attendees also will have opportunities to network with residents from across the country and meet ACS leaders, ensuring a strong foundation for a successful surgical career and a profound sense of belonging within the surgical community.
The program today will include a chat with ACS President E. Christopher Ellison, MD, FACS; a presentation on communication strategies “for Boomers to Zoomers;” an introduction to the SurgeonsPAC and ACS Foundation; the Resident and Associate Society (RAS) Symposium (see below); and the popular skills contest, So You Think You Can Operate (Room 153ABC). Eight teams are set for this interactive competition that will test surgical trainees' skills and teamwork. Cheer them on as they vie for institutional glory and bragging rights.
On Monday, the program’s five presentations follow the Opening Ceremony for Clinical Congress and will delve into the importance of partnering with your peers, colleagues, and mentors; selecting and negotiating for your best career move and peace of mind; and personal finances for residency and beyond.
“The American College of Surgeons is a valuable organization for surgeons at all levels. We think the Surgery Resident Program is an excellent way for residents to learn the value of being a Fellow,” said Dr. Neumayer.
The annual RAS Symposium—held today, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm in Room 161, will explore whether fast-tracking and early specialization are the evidence-based future of surgical training or an unsustainable solution that may exacerbate the problem it is intended to address.
Join the debate as RAS members and ACS leaders weigh the benefits and drawbacks of early specialization, identify the potential impacts on trainees, training programs, and surgical patients, and make a compelling case that reflects the needs and demands of contemporary surgical training in the 21st century.
And, don’t forget: All Resident Members and Associate Fellows are invited to attend the RAS Business Meeting Tuesday, 12:00 pm–4:00 pm. It will be a great opportunity to learn about each of the RAS committees and meet other RAS Members.
Clinical Congress registration for residents is $50 for in-person attendance; the virtual rate is $25.