September 7, 2023
The CoC has initiated a new requirement for programs completing the Cancer Committee Template for Standards 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4. Although all templates are required to be completed as part of the accreditation process, CoC cancer program categories that are exempt from these standards have not been required to upload this specific template. Going forward and effective immediately, ALL programs who have not yet submitted any Pre-Review Questionnaires (PRQs) in 2023 and after, regardless of category, will be required to upload the Cancer Committee template to the PRQ. For those programs that are exempt from Standards 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4, only the first tab, titled CC Meeting Dates – Stds Discussed, is required to be completed. In this tab, programs must enter cancer committee meeting dates and indicate when standards were discussed throughout the accreditation cycle. This information enables the site reviewers, program review subcommittee, and CoC technical staff members to locate documentation of standard discussion, action, and annual reporting. If during pre-review of the PRQ it is noted that the template is missing or the CC Meeting Dates–Stds Discussed tab is blank or incomplete, programs will be contacted to complete and resubmit the completed template before the scheduled site visit takes place.