January 1, 2020
The International Relations Committee of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) offers a special opportunity for international ACS chapters to create a local educational course that includes faculty from the College. The application deadline is March 1, 2020.
The goals of this competitive grant program are as follows:
A total of $25,000 per year will be made available to international chapters to develop courses in their own countries. Subject to the quality, merit, and requirements of each proposal, either a single grant up to $25,000 or two grants up to $12,500 each will be awarded. Preference will be given to developing nations as defined by the World Bank. An international chapter may use the grant to present the ACS General Surgery Review Course or to develop other surgery-focused courses in its home country. The grant is intended to cover necessary costs, such as the travel expenses of ACS faculty who will teach the course. The grant is not to be used to cover all expenses related to course material, venue rental, AV equipment, or food. Chapter funds should be used to support those expenses.
All proposals must be made by an officer of an international ACS chapter and should be submitted electronically to the International Liaison at scholarships@facs.org. All applicants will be notified of the outcome in May.
For more information and to apply, visit the program web page.