Fees for fellowship accreditation are determined annually by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and are subject to change.
An annual fellowship accreditation fee invoice will be sent via e-mail to the billing contact as identified in the AEI Portal. Your center billing contact information is managed through the “Manage Program Contacts” section of the AEI Portal.
For initial applicants, an invoice will be generated on October 1, which is approximately 60 days prior to your accreditation decision. Payment of the fee is due within 30 days of receipt of invoice.
For existing programs, an invoice will be generated annually on October 1 and will be due within 30 days of receipt of invoice.
There is no site visit associated with AEI Fellowship accreditation, so it is not necessary to budget for surveyor reimbursement.
For specific questions about the fees, contact Cathy Sormalis at csormalis@facs.org.