August 3, 2023
Heidi Nelson, MD, FACS
Medical Director, ACS Cancer Programs
The aspiration of any large national registry, such as the National Cancer Database (NCDB), is to provide high-quality, timely data to accurately measure and monitor changes in clinical practice. Such registries help us understand how patient outcomes change over time as new diagnostic and therapeutic practices evolve and as other environmental changes, such as those related to diet and lifestyle, occur across the population. Thanks to all of you, and the application of standardized definitions, rules, and quality procedures, the NCDB delivers top quality data. Thank you!
In this issue of Cancer Programs News, the staff of the NCDB, under the leadership of Ryan McCabe, PhD, and Bryan Palis, share some updates that illustrate how we are continuously working toward supporting more timely data and reporting. As you read these updates, you will learn more about new NCDB services, updates on current offerings, and how we plan to enhance Hospital Comparison Benchmark Reports.
The journey toward more timely data and reporting will require gradual changes across the system, including technical advances, such as the introduction of the Rapid Cancer Reporting System (RCRS), and new features, such as the email summary of submissions.
There is also an expectation that as we gain access to more timely data, in turn we need to generate more valuable reports. Toward that end, we continue to expand and diversify the portfolio of quality measures and we seek to make Hospital Comparison Benchmark Reports more contemporary and hope you will help us enhance the value of this report by completing the short, 14 question survey included below. Although the journey to timely data and reporting is neither swift nor simple, we are well on our way.